
We main product/services:
  • Metal-Working
  • Aerospace
  • Biotech Industries
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Machine Tools
  • Telecommunications
  • Automotive
  • Electronics
  • Food Beverages
  • Semiconductor
  • Company Profile:
    Year Established:1890
    Businss Type:Trading Company
    Contact:Ms. Christine Danielou (Operations Manager)
    Web Site:www.go-dove.com  
    Zip:EC3V 9JU
    Address:1-6 Lombard Street    
    Product display:More
    GoIndustry DoveBid is a leading provider of asset management services. If surplus or idle assets are no longer needed, we can help you understand what they are worth, whether they can be redeployed elsewhere in your organisation, and if not, sell them at auction on your behalf.

    GoIndustry DoveBid approaches the market with three distinct advantages. First, we have significant global reach so we are able to provide these services wherever they are needed. Second, most of our business is online, making it more efficient and convenient for both buyers and sellers whether it is for a single piece of equipment or a whole production line. Third, our knowledge of the market across multiple industry sectors is unsurpassed. Since 2000, we have collected information gathered from auctions all over the world, numbering over 1500 in 2007 alone. We leverage this rich data on a daily basis through accurate valuations and appraisals for the benefit of all our customers.

    Our customers fall into five categories:

    Multinational manufacturing corporations with whom we have long term forward flow contracts to provide a range of asset management solutions
    Asset based lenders, financial institutions and banks who require our valuation services in order for them to put the right numbers on the value of equipment, inventory and receivables
    Bankruptcy and insolvency practitioners, who need our services to help them clear factories
    Small to medium enterprises, for whom we provide a variety of asset management and valuation services
    Dealers, with whom we work to increase the flow of assets to our auction sales

    Each engagement features an evaluation of your assets to help you make sound financial decisions. To ensure that your company gets the maximum return on its investment and the quickest route to sale, we will:

    Determine the best sales channel such as online auction, live and webcast auction, industry specific online Exchange, or sale by Private Treaty.
    Support your asset sale with extensive marketing resources, technology and tactics, which make the most of the global marketplace.
    Facilitate the sale with cutting edge Internet technology that streamlines the buying process.

    We have more than a century of auctioneering experience, which we are now taking into the 21st century to help companies dispose of their surplus assets in markets across the world. We were the first company to introduce online auctions and the first to introduce live webcasts in coordination with live sales, enabling people to bid online on a level playing field with the bidders present at the auction.

    We conduct regular monthly industry specific online Exchanges, including Aviation, Plant Support, Test & Measurement, BioPharma, Broadcast, Electronics Manufacturing, IT, Metalworking & Machinery, Packaging &
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