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Company Profile:
Year Established:
Businss Type: Other
Contact: Truong Quyen (Sales Manager)
Telphone: 84-8-37263623
Fax 84-8-37263624
MobilePhone: 0084938830363
Web Site:,
Zip: 95432
Country/Region: Vietnam
Province/State: Ho Chi Minh City
City: Ho Chi Minh City
Address: 402 / 11 / 1 National Road 13, Hiep Binh Phuoc, Thu Duc   
Our company is one of the first to manufacture wrought iron furniture for export in Vietnam. Our factory is located in Binh Duong Province, about 35 Km from Ho Chi Minh City. The uniqueness of our production, with new models and stunning finish, powder coating, leaves far behind all competitors, manufacturers of wrought iron furniture. By combining new technologies with dynamic development, we do not stop providing a great interest throughout our company's products. But above all, the main victory of our company is its customers.

Nowadays, we are exporting 80% of our production to many countries in Europe, America, Australia and Asia Pacific. Our experience and know-how accumulated over the years ensure to bring quality and loyalty to clients. And thanks to these excellent professional qualifications in wrought iron and mosaic furniture, we know exactly, which technology is optimal to realize each demand.
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