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Company Profile:
Year Established:
Businss Type: Manufacturer
Contact: Tom Shiri
Telphone: 972-054-3979853
Fax 972
Web Site:,
Zip: 00000
Country/Region: Israel
Province/State: -
City: Ramat-Gan
Address: Jabutinski   
USA Diamonds. net has grown to become one of the largest online retailer of diamonds and fine jewelry.
The company is built on a basic idea: to be your access to the world of jewelry diamonds and gold and make sure to supply you with the highest quality products at the lowest possible prices.
How do we do it?
We hold buyers that are members of the World Federation of Diamond Burses (WFDB)
who buy merchandise guaranteed to be reliable and legitimate.
We also hold designers and jewelers who guaranty quality and liable production of our products.
The entire process until the product has reached you is supervised by USA Diamonds. net and under one ownership, reducing unneeded costs and quarantine the highest level of quality and liability in our products.
At USA Diamonds. net you'll find high-quality diamonds and fine jewelry.
You can create your own jewelry choose the right diamond and we'll set it in your favorite earring, pendant, or ring design.
We also carry a unique collection of religious & family jewelry in addition to colored gemstone and diamond fashion rings, earrings, pendants, necklaces and bracelets.
To ensure your complete satisfaction, all the items we provide are carefully inspected at different stages of the production process to give you a snug fit and superior finish.
You can enjoy many years of pride from our stylish, elegant and premium quality jewelry
Every order to the US and Canada is shipped free, guaranteed and returnable within 30 days, so you can be sure you made the right decision.
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