Pumps Companies in iceland
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- Daelur ehf
Products:Pumps,Spare parts for pumps
Tel: 354-0-5170060
Web Address: daelur.com,
Create Year: 2009
ZIP Code:
Address:Smidjuvegur 11 Kopavogur iceland
- Malmtaekni HF www.mt.is
Products:Stainless Steel, Plastic, Aluminium, Facades, Airfilters, Rivets, Bolts, Fittings, Pumps, Galvinized Sheets, Galvanized Coils, Colour Coated Sheets
Tel: 354-580-4500
Web Address: www.mt.is,
Create Year: 1970
ZIP Code: 110
Address:Vagnhofdi 29 Reykjavik iceland
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